Product Spotlight - Unboxing a Burromax Pit Bike

Product Spotlight - Unboxing a Burromax Pit Bike

Published by Crate Insider on 5th Jul 2023

Hey everybody, I am Kate with Crate Insider and today I thought we would do a little unboxing video with our Burromax Pitbike. This is one of my favorite products that we sell. So let's just dive right in. And I want people to see what's in the box, and how easy these are to put together just to get you a real sense of what's going on. So let's open up this box here. You know, and this will be fun to try to show on camera. But I'm going to just point that forward just so that you can see what how that looks inside of there. Now, if you're brave enough, you can probably lift this straight out. And it might be what I end up doing here, well we'll see, because it's not awkward at all that I'm on camera. So let's find out here. Got a little bit of packing material. And what might be easiest for this video is just to cut the box all the way open. So I think that's what I'm going to do here. Okay, so now we've gotten rid of the cardboard, you can see everything else we have several zip ties on here and other items, I just want to show you how easy it is to assemble, we're just going to cut some of these zip ties right here. And what's nice is that Burromax provides a whole set of hardware to go with this as well. Or tools I should say. So all the hardware, all the tools wrenches that you need. And now we're just going to attach the handlebars. So as you see putting the handlebars on is actually relatively simple. And we have all the brake lines and everything are all connected. Now I know I have the bike looking awkward. But once you have it mostly in place, you know, because it's a lot easier to do from the top down. You can see I wasn't doing it that way at first, then you can push it into position wherever it is that you would like your handlebar. So you can sit on it, find out what angle is going to be the most comfortable for you. And then really crank those down. So that is about as simple as it gets. From here, we're just going to pull some of this plastic off, pull off any more of these zip ties. And what I haven't talked about is how you can use these. I bought mine originally when I was at ZMax dragway, Burromax was there with the booth and I loved it so much. I bought one for myself. This is lithium battery. And what that means is you just plug it into the wall, what I've always loved is the fact that I can put this into my vehicle, you know whether it's my car or my van, I mean these, these handlebars, you can see could just be collapsed. This used to fit in my hatchback. And that was great. Because I can take it to the track, I didn't have to ever worry about gas or oil spilling or if you've ever, like put a carburetor in your car and taken it somewhere. You've done it once. I mean at least I have. And then your car smells like fuel for a long time here, I never had to worry about that. And it's just really easy. This comes with the charger, it just plugs right into the wall and makes things simple. So I do love my Burromax Pitbike. I loved it so much that we became a dealer here at Crate Insider. So we've got them sitting right here on the shelf. So if you'd like to pick one up, you can check them out on our website. And the version that I like this happens to be the TT350. Whether you go with that or any of their other versions assembly is the same. And with that my favorite combination is to use this bike with the upgrade motor. And so if you would like to see me do an installation of an upgrade motor on this bike, drop in a comment and let me know and then we'll follow up with a video. I'm somebody who is not necessarily a mechanic, absolutely not a mechanic, but it is a switch out that I have done myself. So if you'd like to see that drop in a comment in the meantime, if you want to pick one up, visit our website at And be sure to share this video if it's something that you find you think a friend would be interested in. Feel free to share, comment, like, and definitely subscribe to our YouTube Channel. Thanks so much for watching, and we'll see you in another video.